Human Skills - Personal Development Bundle

Hours: 176 / Access Length: 12 Months / Delivery: Online, Self-Paced
Retail Price: $999.00

Course Overview:

The Personal Development Soft Skills Bundle highlights skills needed for managing your work and life. Participants will become more mindful of their actions and learn how to express and interpret their present environment. They will create positive connections and increase their self-regulation of attention and personal experiences. Within these workshops students will develop skills in Anger Management, Critical Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Goal Setting, Mindfulness, Improving Self-Awareness, Managing Personal Finances, Personal Productivity, Public Speaking, Social Intelligence and Learning, Taking Initiative, and Work-Life Balance. By enrolling in this class, participants will be taking the first step in making something positive happen for them!

The Personal Development Skills Bundle includes the following courses:

  • Adult Learning - Mental Skills
  • Adult Learning - Physical Skills
  • Anger Management
  • Attention Management
  • Being A Likeable Boss
  • Critical Thinking
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
  • Improving Mindfulness
  • Improving Self-Awareness
  • Increasing Your Happiness
  • Job Search Skills
  • Life Coaching Essentials
  • Managing Personal Finances
  • Managing Workplace Anxiety
  • Personal Productivity
  • Public Speaking
  • Social Intelligence
  • Social Learning
  • Stress Management
  • Taking Initiative
  • Work-Life Balance

Course Outline(s):

  Adult Learning - Mental Skills Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Housekeeping Items
  • Pre-Assignment
  • Workshop Objectives
  • The Parking Lot
  • Action Plans

Module Two: Bloom’s Taxonomy

  • Bloom’s Theory
  • History
  • New Understanding
  • Definition
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Knowledge

  • Behavior
  • Actions
  • Examples
  • Implementation
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Comprehension

  • Behavior
  • Actions
  • Examples
  • Implementation
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Application

  • Behavior
  • Actions
  • Examples
  • Implementation
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Analysis

  • Behavior
  • Actions
  • Examples
  • Implementation
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Synthesis

  • Behavior Actions
  • Examples
  • Implementation
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Evaluation

  • Behavior
  • Actions
  • Examples
  • Implementation
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Updated Version

  • Remembering and Understanding
  • Applying and Analyzing
  • Evaluating
  • Creating
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Types of Knowledge

  • Factual
  • Conceptual
  • Procedural
  • Metacognitive
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Training

  • Examples
  • Problem Solving
  • Qualitative Assessments
  • Create Plans
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Recommended Reading
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Adult Learning - Physical Skills Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Housekeeping Items
  • Pre-Assignment Review
  • Workshop Objectives
  • The Parking Lot
  • Action Plan

Module Two: Bloom’s Taxonomy

  • Bloom’s Theory
  • History
  • New Understanding
  • Definition
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Observation

  • Behavior
  • Actions
  • Examples
  • Implementation
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Imitation

  • Behavior
  • Actions
  • Examples
  • Implementation
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Manipulation

  • Behavior
  • Actions
  • Examples
  • Implementation
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Precision

  • Behavior
  • Actions
  • Examples
  • Implementation
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Articulation

  • Behavior
  • Actions
  • Examples
  • Implementation
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Naturalization

  • Behavior
  • Actions
  • Examples
  • Implementation
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Versions of Psychomotor Domain

  • Dave’s Theory
  • Harrow
  • Simpson
  • Differences and Similarities
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Psychomotor Measurements

  • Agility
  • Precision
  • Endurance
  • Speed
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Skills to Consider when Planning

  • Gross Movement
  • Fine Motor Control
  • Verbal
  • Nonverbal
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of the Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Recommended Reading
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Anger Management Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Understanding Anger

  • The Cycle of Anger
  • Understanding Fight or Flight
  • Common Myths About Anger

Module Three: Do’s and Don’ts

  • Unhelpful Ways of Dealing with Anger
  • Helpful Ways of Dealing with Anger

Module Four: Gaining Control

  • A Word of Warning
  • Using Coping Thoughts
  • Using Relaxation Techniques
  • Blowing off Some Steam

Module Five: Separate the People from the Problem

  • Objective vs. Subjective Language
  • Identifying the Problem
  • Using “I” Messages

Module Six: Working on the Problem

  • Using Constructive Disagreement
  • Negotiation Tips
  • Building Consensus
  • Identifying Solutions

Module Seven: Solving the Problem

  • Choosing a Solution
  • Making a Plan
  • Getting it Done

Module Eight: A Personal Plan

  • Understanding Hot Buttons
  • Identifying Your Hot Buttons
  • A Personal Anger Log

Module Nine: The Triple A Approach

  • Alter
  • Avoid
  • Accept

Module Ten: Dealing with Angry People

  • Understanding the Energy Curve
  • De-escalation Techniques
  • When to Back Away and What To Do Next

Module Eleven: Pulling It All Together

  • Process Overview
  • Putting it Into Action

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Attention Management Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Introduction to Attention Management

  • What is Attention Management?
  • Stop Thinking and Pay Attention!
  • What is Mushin?
  • What is Xin Yi (Heart Minded)?

Module Three: Types of Attention

  • Focused Attention
  • Sustained Attention
  • Selective Attention
  • Alternating Attention
  • Attention CEO
  • Attentional Blink

Module Four: Strategies for Goal Setting

  • Listening to Your Emotions
  • Prioritizing
  • Re-gating

Module Five: Meditation

  • Beta
  • Alpha
  • Theta
  • Delta
  • Gamma

Module Six: Training Your Attention

  • Mushin
  • Meditation
  • Focus Execute
  • Visualization
  • Case Study

Module Seven: Attention Zones Model

  • Reactive Zone
  • Proactive Zone
  • Distracted Zone
  • Wasteful Zone
  • Case Study

Module Eight: SMART Goals

  • The Three P’s
  • The SMART Way
  • Prioritizing
  • Evaluating and Adapting

Module Nine: Keeping Yourself Focused

  • The One Minute Rule
  • The Five-Minute Rule
  • What to Do When You Feel Overwhelmed

Module Ten: Procrastination

  • Why We Procrastinate
  • Nine Ways to Overcome Procrastination
  • Eat That Frog

Module Eleven: Prioritizing Your Time

  • The 80/20 Rule
  • The Urgent / Important Matrix
  • Being Assertive
  • Creating a Productivity Journal
  • The Glass Jar: Rocks, Pebbles, Sand and Water

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Being A Likeable Boss Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Housekeeping Items
  • Pre-Assignment Review
  • Workshop Objectives
  • The Parking Lot
  • Action Plan

Module Two: Is it Better to be Loved or Feared?

  • The Case for Fear
  • The Case for Love
  • The Case Against Both
  • The Middle Ground
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Leadership as Service

  • Top Down Hierarchies
  • The Bottom-Up Perspective
  • Know Your Employees
  • Genuine Empathy and the Power to Lead
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Leadership by Design

  • Begin with the End in Mind
  • Goals
  • Values
  • Mission Statement
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Understanding Motivation

  • Dramatism
  • The Pentad
  • Guilt and Redemption
  • Identification
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Constructive Criticism

  • What are Your Intentions?
  • A Positive Vision of Success
  • Feedback Sandwich
  • Following Up versus Badgering
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: The Importance of Tone

  • Lighting a Fire
  • Putting Out a Fire
  • Adult versus Parent
  • Changing the Script
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Trusting Your Team

  • Dangers of Micromanaging
  • Delegation and Anxiety
  • Aces in Their Places
  • Celebrating Success
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Earning Your Team’s Trust

  • Honesty
  • Consistency
  • Availability
  • Openness
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Building and Reinforcing Your Team

  • Identify Team Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Identify Team Roles
  • Design Exercises with Specific Goals
  • What to Avoid
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: You are the Boss of You

  • What Kind of Person Would You Follow?
  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Improvement
  • Keeping Your Balance
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Recommended Reading
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Critical Thinking Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Components of Critical Thinking

  • Applying Reason
  • Open Mindedness
  • Analysis
  • Logic
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Non-Linear Thinking

  • Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
  • Don’t Jump to Conclusions
  • Expect and Initiate Change
  • Being Ready to Adapt
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Logical Thinking

  • Ask The Right Questions
  • Organize the Data
  • Evaluate the Information
  • Draw Conclusions
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Critical Thinkers (I)

  • Active Listening
  • Be Curious
  • Be Disciplined
  • Be Humble
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Critical Thinkers (II)

  • Seeing the Big picture
  • Objectivity
  • Using Your Emotions
  • Being Self-Aware
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Evaluate Information

  • Making Assumptions
  • Watch out for Bias
  • Ask Clarifying Questions
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Benefits of Critical Thinking

  • Being More Persuasive
  • Better Communication
  • Better Problem Solving
  • Increased Emotional Intelligence
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Changing Your Perspective

  • Limitations of Your Point of View
  • Considering Others Viewpoint
  • Influences on Bias
  • When New Information Arrives
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Problem Solving

  • Identify Inconsistencies
  • Trust Your Instincts
  • Asking Why?
  • Evaluate the Solution(s)
  • Case Study
  •  Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Putting it All Together

  • Retaining Your New Skills
  • Reflect and Learn From Mistakes
  • Always Ask Questions
  • Practicing Critical Thinking
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Emotional Intelligence Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: What is Emotional Intelligence

  • Self Management
  • Self Awareness
  • Self Regulation
  • Self Motivation
  • Empathy

Module Three: Four Skills in Emotional Intelligence

  • How to Accurately Perceive Emotions
  • Use Emotions to Facilitate Thinking
  • Understand Emotional Meanings
  • Manage Emotions

Module Four: Verbal Communication Skills

  • Focused Listening
  • Asking Questions
  • Communicating with Flexibility and Authenticity

Module Five: Non-Verbal Communication Skills

  • OBody Language
  • The Signals You Send to Others
  • It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It

Module Six: Social Management and Responsibility

  • Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
  • Articulate your Emotions Using Language.

Module Seven: Tools to Regulate Your Emotions

  • Seeing the Other Side
  • Self Management and Self Awareness
  • Giving in Without Giving Up

Module Eight: Gaining Control

  • Using Coping Thoughts
  • Using Relaxation Techniques
  • Bringing it All Together

Module Nine: Business Practices (I)

  • Understand Emotions and How to Manage Them in the Workplace
  • Role of Emotional Intelligence at Work
  • Disagreeing Constructively

Module Ten: Business Practices (II)

  • Optimism
  • Pessimism
  • The Balance Between Optimism & Pessimism

Module Eleven: Making an Impact

  • Creating a Powerful First Impression
  • Assessing a Situation
  • Being Zealous without Being Offensive

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Goal Setting and Getting Things Done Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives
  • Pre-Assignment
  • Action Plans and Evaluations

Module Two: Overcoming Procrastination (I)

  • Eat That Frog!
  • Just Do It
  • The 15 Minute Rule
  • Chop it Up
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three Overcoming Procrastination (II)

  • Remove Distractions
  • Start Small and Build
  • Reward Yourself
  • Set Realistic Deadlines
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Four P’s of Goals Setting

  • They Need to be Positive
  • They Need to be Personal
  • They Need to be Possible
  • They Need to be Prioritized
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Improving Motivation

  • Remember Peak Moments
  • Write Your Goals Down
  • Use Gamification
  • Track Your Progress
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Six: Wise Time Management

  • Urgent/Important Matrix
  • The 80/20 Rule
  • Utilize a Calendar
  • Create a Ritual
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Tips for Completing Tasks

  • One Minute Rule
  • Five Minute Rule
  • Break Up Large Tasks
  • Utilize Technology
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Increase Your Productivity

  • Repeat What Works
  • Get Faster
  • Remove “Should” from Your Dictionary
  • Build on Your Successes
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: To Do List Characteristics

  • Focus on the Important
  • Chunk, Block, Tackle
  • Make It a Habit
  • Plan Ahead
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: SMART Goals

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timely
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Mistakes Will Happen

  • Accept It
  • Bouncing Back
  • Adapt and Learn from Them
  • If Needed, Ask for Help
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Improving Mindfulness Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Housekeeping Items
  • Pre-Assignment Review
  • Workshop Objectives
  • The Parking Lot
  • Action Plan

Module Two: What is Mindfulness?

  • Buddhist Concept
  • Bare Attention
  • Memory
  • Psychologist Concept
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Practicing Mindfulness

  • Mindfulness Meditation
  • Attention
  • Acceptance
  • Scanning
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Emotional IQ

  • Purpose of Emotions
  • Performance Emotions
  • Swing Emotions
  • Blue Emotions
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Cognitive Distortion I

  • Dichotomous Reasoning
  • Magnification and Minimization
  • Filtering (Including Disqualifying)
  • Jumping to Conclusions
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Cognitive Distortion II

  • Destructive Labelling
  • Personalizing
  • Blaming
  • The Tyranny of the Should
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy

  • Mental Modes
  • Doing Mode
  • Being Mode
  • Metacognitive Awareness
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Mindfulness and Gratitude

  • What is Gratitude?
  • Gratitude Journal
  • Gratitude Exercise
  • How to Form a Habit
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Cultivating High Performance Emotions

  • Emotion-Cognition-Behavior Triangle
  • Cultivating Enthusiasm
  • Cultivating Confidence
  • Cultivating Tenacity
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Mindfulness and Customer Service

  • Individually Focused
  • Active Listening
  • Building a Rapport
  • Timing
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Mindfulness and Leadership

  • Mental Resilience
  • Focus
  • Compassion
  • Creativity
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words From The Wise
  • Review of the Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Recommended Reading
  • Completion of Action Plans And Evaluations
  Improving Self-Awareness Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Housekeeping items
  • Pre-Assignment Review
  • Workshop Objectives
  • The Parking Lot
  • Action Plan

Module Two: What is the Self?

  • The Physical Self
  • The Emotional Self
  • The Psychological Self
  • The Spiritual Self
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Awareness of the Physical Self

  • Scanning
  • Progressive Relaxation
  • Physical Stressors
  • Exercise
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Time Management

  • Organization
  • Goal Management
  • Priorities
  • Procrastination
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: The Emotional Self

  • Validity of Emotions
  • Utility of Emotions
  • Arousal
  • Valence
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Mood Management

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Categories of Emotions
  • Increasing Arousal
  • Decreasing Arousal
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: The Psychological Self

  • Thinking Style
  • Learning Style
  • Personality Style
  • Distorted Thinking
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Interpersonal Awareness

  • Addressing Different Thinking Styles
  • Addressing Different Learning Styles
  • Active Listening and Body Language
  • Transactional Analysis
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: The Spiritual Self

  • Mindfulness
  • Meditation
  • Cultivating Positivity
  • Gratitude
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Limitations of Self Awareness

  • Navel Gazing
  • Dangers of Excessive Self Discipline
  • Humility
  • Empathy
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Independence Versus Interdependence

  • What is Interdependence?
  • Systems Theory
  • More Than the Sum of All Parts
  • Team Building
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of the Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Recommended Reading
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Increasing Your Happiness Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Housekeeping Items
  • Pre-Assignment Review
  • Workshop Objectives
  • The Parking Lot
  • Action Plan

Module Two: Plan Ahead For Happiness

  • Have A Nightly Routine
  • Get At Least Eight Hours Of Sleep
  • Wake Up Early
  • Give Yourself Extra Commute Time
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Plan Your Day

  • Arrive 10-15 Minutes Early
  • Check Your Calendar For Action Items
  • Create A To Do List For The Day
  • Build In Breaks
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Relate To Others

  • Greet Your Colleagues
  • Smile!
  • Build Your Support Team And Check In Regularly
  • Take Time To Socialize
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Go To Your Happy (Work) Space

  • Create a Workspace That Makes You Happy
  • Clear The Clutter
  • Bring In Personal Touches
  • Add Some Green!
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Accentuate The Positive

  • Use A Daily Affirmation
  • Surround Yourself With Positive People
  • Limit Your Negative Interactions
  • Build Friendships
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Use Your Benefits

  • Use Your Vacation And Paid Time Off!
  • Exercise Your Way To Happy!
  • Employee Assistance Programs
  • Other Benefits- Credit Union, Direct Deposit, Etc.
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Take Control Of Your Career Happiness

  • Take Control Of Your Professional Development
  • Seek Frequent Feedback
  • Practice Professional Courage
  • Seek Mentoring, And Seek To Mentor Others
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Set Boundaries

  • Learn To Say No
  • Learn To Say Yes
  • Protect Your Downtime
  • Know When To Call It A Day
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Practice Positivity

  • Keep Your Interactions Positive
  • Practice Gratitude
  • Address Conflict Or Misunderstandings Directly And Positively
  • Look for the Silver Lining
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Choose To Be Happy

  • Happiness Is A Choice
  • Choose Your Stress Response
  • Do One Thing Each Day That You Love And Enjoy
  • Seek To Make Positive Changes
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of the Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Recommended Reading
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Job Search Skills Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Ready, Set, Go!

  • Identifying Your Values and Purpose
  • Assessing Your Skills
  • Setting SMART Goals
  • Building a Resource System
  • A 30-Day Plan

Module Three: Building Your Resume

  • Basic Resume Formats
  • Chronological Style Resume
  • Combination Style Resume
  • Essential Information to Include
  • Dealing with Awkward Points
  • Checklist for Success

Module Four: Polishing Your resume

  • Creating an Attractive Package
  • About Branding
  • Some Extra Touches
  • Checklist for Success

Module Five: Writing a Cover Letter

  • Types of Cover Letters
  • First Contact Cover Letter
  • Targeted Cover Letter
  • Recommendation Cover Letter
  • Creating a Template
  • Customizing the Template
  • Checklist for Success

Module Six: Creating a Portfolio

  • When Do I Need a Portfolio?
  • Types of Portfolios
  • Working Portfolio
  • Display Portfolio
  • Assessment Portfolio
  • Essential Elements
  •  Checklist for Success

Module Seven: Networking Skills

  • What is Networking?
  • Getting a Conversation Started
  • Creating an Effective Introduction
  • But I’m So Nervous!
  • What Not to Talk About
  • Wrapping Up and Moving on

Module Eight: Skills for Success

  • Being Organized
  • Becoming a Punctual Person
  • I Can Do This!
  • Important Etiquette Points

Module Nine: Where to Look

  • The Obvious Places
  • The Hidden Job Market
  • About Cold Calling
  • The Power of Networking

Module Ten: Understanding the Interview

  • Types of Interviews
  • What to Expect
  • About Behavioral Questions
  • About Knowledge Questions

Module Eleven: Interview Skills

  • Dressing for Success
  • The Meaning of Colors
  • Interpreting Common Dress Codes
  • Deciding What to Wear
  • Answering Questions
  • Asking Questions
  • Following Up

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of the Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Life Coaching Essentials Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Housekeeping Items
  • Pre-Assignment Review
  • Workshop Objectives
  • The Parking Lot
  • Action Plan

Module Two: Why You Need A Life Coach?

  • Difficulty Making Life Decisions
  • Prioritizing Projects and Timelines
  • Urgent Situations
  • Lack of Balance
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: The Benefits of Life Coaching

  • Set Performance targets
  • Cope with Pressure and Stress
  • Develop and Maintain Vision
  • Maintain Motivation
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Life Coaching Challenges

  • Lack of Commitment
  • Procrastination
  • Poor Communication Skills
  • Lack of Direction
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Basic of a Structure Coaching Session

  • Develop an Action Plan
  • Ask Questions
  • Overcome
  • Set Timeline
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Essential Skills for Successful Coaching

  • Listen with Curiosity
  • Take in What You Hear
  • Reflect with Accuracy
  • Questioning for Exploration
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Life Coaching Tools and Techniques

  • Goal Tracking
  • Journaling
  • Life Coaching Assessments and Forms
  • Homework Assignments and Action Items
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Life Coaching Specialized Areas (I)

  • Relationship Coaching, Dating Coaching
  • Health Coaching, Fitness Coaching
  • Family Coaching, Parenting Coaching
  • Spiritual Coaching
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Life Coaching Specialized Areas (II)

  • General Life Coaching
  • Image Coaching
  • Communication Coaching, Creativity Coaching
  • Career Coaching
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Life Coaching Specialized Areas (II)

  • Retirement Coaching
  • Leadership Coaching, Performance Coaching
  • Business Coaching
  • Executive Coaching
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Apply What You Learned to the Workplace

  • Have a Game Plan
  • Link Game Plan and Goals
  • Do Drills
  • Assess Progress
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Recommended Reading
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Managing Personal Finances Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Housekeeping Items
  • Pre-Assignment Review
  • Workshop Objectives
  • The Parking Lot
  • Action Plan

Module Two: The Benefits of Budgeting

  • Getting Rid of Debt
  • Generating Savings
  • Reducing Stress and Anxiety
  • Lessening Family Conflicts
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: What to Consider Before Creating a Budget

  • Understand Your Income
  • Determine a Budget Duration
  • Determine Expenses
  • Track What’s Being Spent
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Types of Fixed Personal Expenses

  • Utility Bills
  • Housing Bills
  • Transportation
  • Debt Payments
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Types of Fluctuating Personal Expenses

  • Personal Care
  • Entertainment
  • Eating Out
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Establish Your Goals

  • Short Term vs Long Term
  • Be realistic
  • Actually Get Rid of Debt
  • Save for the Future
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Determine Where Cuts Can Be Made

  • Cut Bad Habits
  • Decrease transportation Costs
  • Reduce Utility Bills
  • Decrease Entertainment Expenses
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Tools

  • Software
  • Phone Applications
  • The Envelope System
  • Expenditure System
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Stick With Your Budget

  • Use Cash for Weekly Allowance
  • Accountability to Family or Friends
  • Set Up a Different Account for Savings
  • Remind Self of Benefit to Sticking with Budget
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Additional Ways to Make Money

  • Make and Sell Items
  • Sell Unused Items
  • Small Part-Time Job
  • Recycle for Money
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Paying Off Debt

  • Get Three Credit Reports
  • Start with Small Stuff and Work Your Way Up
  • Credit Card Hacks
  • Investigate Student Loan Repayment or Consolidation Options
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Recommended Reading
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Managing Workplace Anxiety Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping items
  • The Parking lot
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Common Types of Anxiety

  • Social Anxiety
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Panic Disorder
  • Phobias
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Recognizing Symptoms in Others

  • Avoiding Social Situations
  • Difficulty in Accepting Negative Feedback
  • Difficulty in Focusing on Tasks
  • Irrational Fears
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Coping Strategies (I)

  • Keeping a Journal
  • Power of Positive Thinking
  • Have a “Me” Place You Can Go
  • Establish Attainable Goals
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Coping Strategies (II)

  • Talk With Friends and Family
  • Get Enough Sleep
  • Eating Well and Exercise
  • Begin Small and Build Up to Larger Challenges
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Don’t Avoid the Situation

  • It’s OK to Make a Mistake
  • Accept the Situation, and Move On
  • Avoidance Can Cause a Cycle of Anxiety
  • Identify the Trigger
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Differences in Anxiety and Normal Nervousness

  • It Runs Along a Spectrum
  • Anxiety Can Happen Without a Cause
  • The Length of Time Symptoms Last
  • It’s an Exaggeration of Normal Feelings
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Physical Symptoms

  • Rapid Heartbeat
  • Panic Attack
  • Headache
  • Trembling or Shaking
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Recognize the Positive Aspects of Anxiety

  • It Alerts Us to Danger
  • Improves Self-Awareness
  • Can Be a Great Motivator
  • Prevent Mistakes
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Common Anxiety Triggers

  • Uncertainty or Fear of the Unknown
  • Holding in Feelings
  •  Public Speaking/Speaking Up
  • Trying to be Perfect
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: When to Seek Extra Help?

  • Feeling Overwhelmed
  • Physical Changes
  • Unable to Work or Function
  • Panic Attacks
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Personal Productivity Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Setting SMART Goals

  • The Three P’s
  • The SMART Ways
  • Prioritizing Your Goals
  • Evaluating and Adapting

Module Three: The Power of Routines

  • What is a Routine?
  • Personal Routines
  • Professional Routines
  • Six Easy Ways to Simplify Your Life

Module Four: Scheduling Yourself

  • The Simple Secret of Successful Time Management
  • Developing a Tracking System
  • Scheduling Appointments
  • Scheduling Tasks

Module Five: Keeping Yourself on Top of Tasks

  • The One-Minute Rule
  • The Five-Minute Rule
  • What To Do When You Feel Like You’re Sinking

Module Six: Tackling New Tasks and Projects

  • The Sliding Scale
  • A Checklist for Getting Started
  • Evaluating and Adapting

Module Seven: Using Project Management Techniques

  • The Triple Constraint
  • Creating the Schedule
  • Using a RACI Chart

Module Eight: Creating a Workspace

  • Setting Up the Physical Layout
  • Ergonomics 101
  • Using Your Computer Efficiently

Module Nine: Organizing Files and Folders

  • Organizing Paper Files
  • Organizing Electronic Files
  • Scheduling Archive and Clean-Up

Module Ten: Managing E-Mail

  • Using E-Mail Time Wisely
  • Taking Action!
  • Making the Most of Your E-Mail Program
  • Taking Time Back from Handheld Devices

Module Eleven: Tackling Procrastination

  • Why We Procrastinate
  • Nine Ways to Overcome Procrastination
  • Eat That Frog!

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Public Speaking Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Identifying Your Audience

  • Performing a Needs Analysis
  • Creating an Audience Profile
  • Identifying Key Questions and Concerns

Module Three: Creating a Basic Outline

  • Outlining the Situation
  • Identifying the Task That Had to Be Performed
  • Listing the Actions You Took
  • Revealing the Results

Module Four: Organizing the Program

  • Making Organization Easy
  • Organizational Methods
  • Classifying and Categorizing

Module Five: Fleshing It Out

  • Identifying Appropriate Sources
  • Establishing Credibility
  • The Importance of Citations

Module Six: Putting It All Together

  • Writing Your Presentation
  • Adding a Plan B
  • Reviewing, Editing, and Rewriting

Module Seven: Being Prepared

  • Checking Out the Venue
  • Gathering materials
  • A 24 Hour Checklist

Module Eight: Overcoming Nervousness

  • A Visit from the Boss
  • Preparing Mentally
  • Physical Relaxation Techniques
  • Appearing Confident in Front of the Crowd (Even If You Don’t Feel That Way)

Module Nine: Delivering Your Speech (I)

  • Starting Off on the Right Foot
  • Using Visual Aids
  • Checking the Volume of Your Voice

Module Ten: Delivering Your Speech (II)

  • Adjusting on the Fly
  • Gauging Whether Breaks Are Required
  • Wrapping Up and Winding Down

Module Eleven: Questions and Answers

  • Ground Rules
  • Answering Questions That Sound Like an Attack
  • Dealing with Complex Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Social Intelligence Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives
  • Pre-Assignment
  • Action Plans

Module Two: Increase Your Self-Awareness

  • Remove or Limit Self-Deception
  • Ask for Feedback
  • Be Open to Change
  • Reflect on Your Actions
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: The Keys to Empathy

  • Listening and Paying Attention
  • Don’t Judge
  • Shift Your View
  • Don’t Show Fake Emotions
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Active Listening

  • Attunement
  • Don’t Jump to Conclusions
  • Shift Your Focus
  • Don’t Discount Feelings
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Insight on Behavior

  • Perception
  • Facts vs. Emotion
  • Online Communication
  • Listen and Watch More
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Interpersonal Communication

  • Give Respect and Trust
  • Be Consistent
  • Always Keep Your Cool
  • Observing Body Language
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Social Cues (I)

  • Recognize Social Situations
  • The Eyes Have It
  • Non-Verbal Cues
  • Verbal Cues
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Social Cues (II)

  • Spectrum of Cues
  • Review and Reflect
  • Being Adaptable and Flexible
  • Personal Space
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Conversation Skills

  • Current Events
  • Conversation Topics
  • Cues to Watch For
  • Give People Your Attention
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Body Language

  • Be Aware of Your Movements
  • It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It
  • Open Vs. Closed Body Language
  • Communicate with Power
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Building Rapport

  • Take the High Road
  • Forget About Yourself
  • Remembering People
  • Ask Good Questions
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Social Learning Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Setting the Right Group Dynamic (I)

  • Communicating
  • Collaborating
  • Sharing of Best Practices
  • Refining Ideas
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Setting the Right Group Dynamic (II)

  • Diversity Builds Knowledge
  • Social Interactions
  • People Are Different
  • Dealing with Difficult People
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Develop a Social Learning Culture at Work (I)

  • Making the Connection
  • Tagging Star Employees
  • Recognizing Teaching Movements
  • Culture of Questioning
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Develop a Social Learning Culture at Work (II)

  • Safe to Share Environment
  • Instilling a Passion for Learning
  • Instill a Sense of Sharing
  • Learning in the Social Unit
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Develop a Social Learning Culture at Work (III)

  • Remove Fear of Feedback or Criticism
  • Creating a Social Unit
  • Imitation and Modeling
  • Empowering Learners
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Role Playing (I)

  • Identify Work Related Scenarios
  • Add Variables
  • Assign Roles
  • Prepare Role-Players
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Role Playing (II)

  • Act It Out
  • Debrief
  • Mirror Good Examples
  • General Role Playing Tips
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Utilizing the Right Tools (I)

  • Mentoring
  • Social Media
  • Critical Thinking
  • Gamification
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Utilizing the Right Tools (II)

  • Relevant Resources Selection
  • Job Shadowing
  • Knowledge Management
  • Social Facilitation
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Modeling and Observational Learning

  • Inspired by leaders
  • Boosting Self-Efficacy
  • Peer Role Models
  • Generating Engagement
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Stress Management Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Understanding Stress

  • What is Stress?
  • What is Eustress?
  • Understanding the Triple A Approach

Module Three: Creating a Stress-Reducing Lifestyle

  • Eating Properly
  • Exercising Regularly
  • Sleeping Well

Module Four: Altering the Situation

  • The First A
  • Identifying Appropriate Situations
  • Creating Effective Actions

Module Five: Avoiding the Situation

  • The Second A
  • Identifying Appropriate Situations
  • Creating Effective Actions

Module Six: Accepting the Situation

  • The Third A
  • Identifying Appropriate Situations
  • Creating Effective Actions

Module Seven: Using Routines to Reduce Stress

  • Planning Meals
  • Organizing Chores
  • Using a To-Do List

Module Eight: Environmental Relaxation Techniques

  • Finding a Sanctuary
  • Using Music
  • Seeing the Humor

Module Nine: Physical Relaxation Techniques

  • Soothing Stretches
  • Deep Breathing
  • Tensing and Relaxing
  • Meditation

Module Ten: Coping with Major Events

  • Establishing a Support System
  • Creating a Plan
  • Knowing When to Seek Help

Module Eleven: Our Challenge to You

  • Creating a Stress Log
  • Week One: Recording Events
  • Week Two: Identifying Stressors and Creating a Plan
  • Week Three: Creating New Habits
  • Reviewing and Evaluating

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Taking Initiative Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Housekeeping Items
  • Pre-Assignment Review
  • Workshop Objectives
  • The Parking Lot
  • Action Plan

Module Two: What is Initiative?

  • Definition
  • Benefits, Personal and Professional
  • Why People Do Not Take Initiative
  • Make Initiative a Priority
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Know Clients

  • Be Open Minded
  • Be Adaptable
  • Making Decisions
  • Take Responsibility
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Recognize When You Can Step In

  • Know Your Strengths and Skills
  • Go the Extra Mile
  • Listen Carefully
  • Fill in the Gaps
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Recognize When You Can Go Outside the Normal

  • Consider Culture and Values Before Acting
  • Is It in the Scope of Your Authority?
  • Communicate Ideas
  • Act on Solutions
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Weighing the Consequences

  • Ask Questions
  • Risk, Impact, or Cost Analysis
  • Is Authorization Necessary?
  • When Risks Are Too High
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Good or bad

  • The Good
  • The Bad
  • Develop Judgement
  • Avoid Acting on Emotion
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Confidence

  • Are You Confident?
  • Build Confidence
  • Positive Thinking
  • Visualization
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Find Opportunities

  • Internal Opportunities
  • External Opportunities
  • Apply Core Competencies
  • What Problems Exist, and Will They Grow?
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Be Persistent

  • Handle Setbacks
  • Manage Change
  • Modify Ideas When Necessary
  • Move Forward
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Balance Initiative and Restraint

  • Consider the Work Involved in an Idea
  • Develop Emotional Intelligence
  • Know the Buy-In of Stakeholders
  • Do Not Push All Ideas Forward
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of the Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Recommended Reading
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
  Work-Life Balance Curriculum

Module One: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Benefits of a Healthy Balance

  • Why It’s Important
  • Increased Productivity
  • Improved Mental and Physical Health
  • Increased Morale
  • Case Study
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Signs of an Imbalance

  • Health Risks
  • Absenteeism
  • Burnout
  • Stress
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Employer Resources

  • Offer More Employee Control
  • Ask Employees for Suggestions
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
  • Reward Your Staff
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Tips in Time Management

  • The Urgent/Important Matrix
  • Learn to Say No
  • Stay Flexible
  • 80/20 Rule
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Goal Setting

  • The Three P’s
  • SMART Goals
  • Visualization
  • Prioritizing Your Goals
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Optional Ways to Work

  • Telecommuting
  • Job Sharing
  • Job Redesign
  • Flex Time
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: At Work

  • Leave Home Stress at Home
  • Break Up Large Tasks
  • Delegate
  • Set Accurate Goals
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: At Home

  • Leave Work Stress at Work
  • Turn Your Phone Off
  • Take Some Me Time
  • Maintain Your Boundaries
  • Case Study
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Stress Management

  • Exercise
  • Eating Well
  • Getting Enough Sleep
  • Self-Assessment
  • Case Study
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Working in a Home Office

  • Setting Up a Home Office
  • Setting Boundaries
  • Dealing with Distractions
  • Make a Schedule and Stick to It
  • Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations

All necessary course materials are included.

System Requirements:

Internet Connectivity Requirements:

  • Cable, Fiber, DSL, or LEO Satellite (i.e. Starlink) internet with speeds of at least 10mb/sec download and 5mb/sec upload are recommended for the best experience.

NOTE: While cellular hotspots may allow access to our courses, users may experience connectivity issues by trying to access our learning management system.  This is due to the potential high download and upload latency of cellular connections.   Therefore, it is not recommended that students use a cellular hotspot as their primary way of accessing their courses.

Hardware Requirements:

  • CPU: 1 GHz or higher
  • RAM: 4 GB or higher
  • Resolution: 1280 x 720 or higher.  1920x1080 resolution is recommended for the best experience.
  • Speakers / Headphones
  • Microphone for Webinar or Live Online sessions.

Operating System Requirements:

  • Windows 7 or higher.
  • Mac OSX 10 or higher.
  • Latest Chrome OS
  • Latest Linux Distributions

NOTE: While we understand that our courses can be viewed on Android and iPhone devices, we do not recommend the use of these devices for our courses. The size of these devices do not provide a good learning environment for students taking online or live online based courses.

Web Browser Requirements:

  • Latest Google Chrome is recommended for the best experience.
  • Latest Mozilla FireFox
  • Latest Microsoft Edge
  • Latest Apple Safari

Basic Software Requirements (These are recommendations of software to use):

  • Office suite software (Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, or LibreOffice)
  • PDF reader program (Adobe Reader, FoxIt)
  • Courses may require other software that is described in the above course outline.

** The course outlines displayed on this website are subject to change at any time without prior notice. **